Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday #47 + Teaser Tuesday #8

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish 

This week's Top Ten Tuesday topic: Top 10 Books In My Beach Bag! To be quite honest, when I go to the beach, I don't read. I spend a ton of time looking for shells and beach glass, and staring out at the ocean in silent contemplation, thinking about my stories and just daydreaming. I tried reading at the beach a few times; it was always unaccountably windy, I got sand all in my book, and I blinded myself with the sun because I forgot my glasses. Not to mention that a cantankerous seagull decided my bookmark would be great fun to steal. I also never understood what made a book a "beach read." So, this will sort of be my Summer TBR instead.

Teaser Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by Should Be Reading

- Grab the book you're currently reading.
- Flip to a random page.
- Share two sentences from that page!

"The boy is haunted by this knowledge, and he searches through the entire city for some entrance, some doorway, some tunnel to the city underground. He never finds it. Finally, in desperation, he devises a plan. He will make the stone god fall. He will destroy the city and find the passage underground in the ruins. He has been too unloved, after all. Perhaps if there were one person in the city he could think of kindly, he would be unable to do it. But there is no one he can think of in that way. He runs all the way up the five hundred steps and from there to the ledge where the stone god sits. The boy is small, but the stone gives way easily and falls. The entire temple begins to crumble around him, and as he races down the five hundred steps, the fires begin." 
The Glass Sentence by S. E. Grove (ARC, pg. 248)


  1. I've been wanting to read The Truth About Alice and Dorothy Must Die as well. I'm not one for reading much on the beach. For one reason I have small children but even if I didn't I'd rather be in the water or people watching. My idea of beach reading is really what I plan on reading when I go back to the hotel tired out after having the sun beat down on me all day!

    1. Ditto, Katherine! Surprisingly, I go to the beach to do other things that aren't reading. But afterward, a good book is a perfect pasttime.

  2. The Glass Sentence sounds like an excellent story. I like the description in your Teaser.
    My Teaser is from SINFUL FOLK. There's a giveaway too.

    1. I'm having a lot of fun reading it right now.

  3. great TT ! now to discover what happens next !! =)
    My TT is a wee bit of classic nostalgia

    1. THE GLASS SENTENCE is released very soon, Faith!

  4. Interesting.

    This week my teaser is from a mystery:


  5. Half Bad and Dorothy Must Die both sound so amazing! I've been seeing them around a lot and they keep getting amazing reviews. Great picks!
    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

    1. Thanks, Krystianna! I know, I've been hearing nothing but good things about those two as well. They're on my shelf; I just have to pick them up!

  6. Nice list! You decided to try a Riffle list too? What did you think? Easier/harder or prettier/uglier?

    1. I tried Riffle because I saw it on your blog and looooooved how it looked and how it worked! Soooo much better than creating a long list of books; very mundane, that.

  7. Half Bad is such a good book! So creepy! Dorothy Must Die is sitting on my bookshelf right now. I need to read it.

    1. I've heard that HALF BAD is creepy and awesome, so I'm super eager to finally delve into it! :)

  8. Great looking picks - at least 5 that I want or have read.

  9. Dorothy Must Die was so much fun! And there is a prequel ebook novella that you should read as well, it adds a lot to the story. Talk about a cliffie though! :D Great list and I like the Riffle layout, never seen that before. I'll have to check it out.

    My TTT:


    1. Riffle is a pretty awesome site if only because you can use this layout for Top Ten Tuesdays!


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