This week's Top Ten topic: Top 10 Book I Wish Could Have Had Sequels. Actually, this was a hard one, because my general opinion is: not everything needs to have a sequel. I am a stand-alone fan, especially since trilogies are so popular right now. Never stretch a story if it doesn't have room for a sequel, and don't try to create room for one. If a story only has enough in it for one book, then leave it at that! And most stories only have room for one book. Even so, there are some books that I wish had sequels, though I totally understand if the Author disagrees. They know best.
I adore Azalea and her sisters so much. The sequel would need a new villain. Keeper is awesome - he is one of my favvies, - but a return of Keeper would ruin his awesomeness. And the sequel could even be told from one of Azalea's sister's point of views, instead of Azalea's.
This is the third book in the trilogy. The first two are: Princess of the Midnight Ball and Princess of Glass. The Author said she didn't think she could write any more for this trilogy, and like I said - the author does know best, and I will not question Jessica Day George's judgement on this. She's an Author who listens to her characters. But this is a trilogy that my fannish side doesn't want to see end; I love the characters too much!
As a kid, I was desperate for a sequel. This was my favorite book, and I wanted to read more about Charlotte's adventures at sea! My kid side still really yearns for a sequel, and this is a book that probably could actually accommodate one fairly easily.
Another book which is actually the third book in a trilogy. The first two are: Kat, Incorrigible and Renegade Magic. This is a series that I could see easily going on for a while and never getting old. At any rate, I am totally not ready for Kat Stephenson's adventures to end after only three books. I want to know about what happens to her in Scotland! Because I have the hardest time believing that her time in Scotland is a quiet one. ;-)
I think that this actually might have a sequel - it certainly ends like it will. But I don't know for certain if it does. If it isn't going to have a sequel, it bloody well should! If it is going to have one, I'm super excited! While not my absolute favorite Twelve Dancing Princesses retelling, I did end up really liking the characters and becoming invested in the plot enough to know what happens next to Reveka.
Arabian Nights-like books have a major thing going for them: they are automatically set up for sequels. Because they're classic treasure-hunting adventures, and those can always bleed into another book very easily and still be good. The end of this story frustrated me, but I loved the characters and I would love to see them have other adventures - and actually get the treasure this time!
This would totally be a guilty pleasures if it had a sequel, because realistically this book doesn't need one. It ends perfectly, and a sequel would probably not be as good. But I loved the characters and the world so much that my fannish side says, "I want another one!" Hence why I never listen to my fannish side.
This one also ends to where it has room for a sequel, so it's possible that the Author is planning one and I just don't know it. But it definitely should have one! At the same time, though, I'm also okay with it not having one. But it has room.
The third book in a trilogy. The first two are: Powder Monkey and Prison Ship. Since this is a trilogy that follows a young boy press-ganged into the Royal Navy, it's a series that could very easily have several sequels and still be very good. I would love to see more.
This could actually benefit from having a sequel. Not my favorite book, I did like some of the characters enough to want to see more of their story. And this book offers so little of their story, that a sequel would be a good idea.
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