Thursday, October 30, 2014

October 2014 Book Haul

October is over! Which means we're heading in to the serious holidays! Yay! (I think.) So October was pretty busy; I didn't get as much reading done as I wanted, but I certainly got a lot of book buying done. To be totally and absolutely fair to myself, 26 of these book were $1.00 each (can't pass up a bargain like that!) and several more were free review copies (finished ones at that!). So in reality, while this book haul is massive, I didn't actually spend all that much money.


  1. QUITE an impressive bookhaul this month ;) But how can you really help yourself with free books and ones bought for a dollar? Never any shame in that. I am very jealous of your half-price bookstore. All of the ones that used to be around me closed.

    1. That's what I figured. I can't turn down free books or $1 ones. And I showed great restraint at Half Price Books; I could have gotten sooooooooo many more!


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