Fall is upon us! And what a month it's been! Freak thunderstorms, new movies and books. And most importantly: the start of this new blog! What was once known as 667B Baker Street, it has now morphed into this new and splendid blog that I am just thrilled with! But on with this month's best reads!

In Paris, everything is for sale. This is the world Maude enters, when she becomes a "plain girl for hire" for an agency that rents out plain or ugly girls to society women to act as a foil against their beauty. I loved the concept, I loved Maude, I loved the sumptuous writing style, and this book actually made me fall in love with Paris (and I really don't care for Paris in any era). Might be slow for some people, but I enjoyed the detail and description so much that I didn't mind the more sedate plot pacing. Girl-read, fifteen-and-up, great for historical fiction fans!

Not a fan of Romeo and Juliet? Neither am I. But you'll love this story! You're not required to read Romeo and Juliet first; it's perfectly understandable the way it is. I didn't care for the protagonists at first, but over time they grew on me, and I became very emotionally invested. The plot is so much more exciting than Shakespeare's play, the end much better (but still bittersweet), and the Author did a superb job copying Shakespeare's style while still making the story readable. Girl-read, sixteen-and-up, great for fans of Shakespeare and people who don't like Romeo and Juliet. This may make you like it after all!

The first book in a planned series, The Rithmatist is the Harry Potter for steampunkers and Readers who aren't a fan of wizard stories. Part steampunk, part mystery, part alternate reality, and part fantasy, this was one of the more surprising reads of the month. I didn't have any expectations for it; I just thought it would be kinda interesting. Little did I realize that it was going to be downright amazing! A very diverse number of characters, great world building, a mystery that keeps the Reader engaged, and an idea so weird and unique that it'll astonish you how much you like it. Girl-and-guy read, fourteen-and-up, great for fans of steampunk, mystery, and alternate realities!
The second book in The Raven Cycle. It's a bit slower than the first book, but a lot of really exciting stuff still happens, and there is a ton of character development and setup for Book #3. I loved the new characters and the twists, but at times it got almost too weird. The end was amazing, and mean all at once. I can't wait a year! Just like The Raven Boys, in my heart this book deserves 4 stars all the way. However, it has a ton of profanity, and due to my reviewing policy, I was forced to take a star away. Girl-and-guy read, eighteen-and-up, great for Maggie Stiefvater fans and Readers looking for something new!
- Speaker for the Dead by Orson Scott Card (Worst Book of the Month)
- The Rithmatist by Brandon Sanderson (Best Book of the Month)
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