Saturday, February 28, 2015

On Holiday!

The Reading Hedgehog is going on holiday for March and most of April, if not all of it! I am in desperate need of a break from blogging. I love this blog, but lately it has been feeling like nothing but a chore, and I even kind of want to just delete it and never think about it again. I can't remember the last time I read a book without stressing over when I needed it finished so I'd have a review to post on my blog - or even read a book without dissecting everything about it. It's not fun, and I hate my passion feeling like a chore. One that I actually find myself avoiding a lot of time.

So I need a break. I don't know how I'll feel after my two-month break. I won't delete The Reading Hedgehog, but things might be different. I need to sit back and reconsider why I'm doing it and what I can change about it. Maybe I'll put all of my book stuff on Youtube and use the blog as a place to post them. I don't know. The future of The Reading Hedgehog is, for now, uncertain.

One thing is for sure, though: I appreciate and love all of my follows and the authors who have popped onto my blog and say hi to me at their events. I will always love books and I do love blogging. My life has just taken some different turns recently, and I want something more out of it all. Hence why I created a different blog: Curves In The Road. It's not much right now, but I do love it. It's a personal blog, chronicling daily life in all of its complexities, recipes, quotes, travel, fashion - anything and everything. Including books. It's a little corner of the internet that no one will probably ever find, but that's all right. Maybe it'll grow into something more eventually.

So this is me signing off. I hope the next two months are wonderful for you all. I look forward to diving head-first into life and rethinking my blogging future. See what it can become and what it needs to stop being: a burden. I never wanted this blog to become a burden or a chore or something I just didn't want to do. And I need to figure out how to change that.

I'll be checking in periodically to talk to my followers, of course. I won't neglect you guys, and maybe you'll be able to give me some ideas. If you really want to see what I'm up to, though, come over to Curves In The Road. I would very much like that blog to turn into something more, and I hope you will join me in doing that.

I will see you in May! 


  1. Taking a break is always a good thing. There's nothing worse than forcing yourself to do something that should be enjoyable :P I know my blog has been pretty neglected, but they do change. I'll be checking out your new blog as well! I hope your break is productive :)

    1. It's absolutely a sure sign that I need a break when I seriously contemplate hitting the delete button. The rest will do me worlds of good, I think.

  2. I know how you feel. I have come to a very similar decision because I too feel burnt out with all of these reviews. I hope this break would give you time to clear up your mind and be able to make decisions that will make you happy. Good luck!

    1. Thanks, Vonnie. :) It's nice to know that I'm not the only book blogger out there who gets burned out and wants to throw in the towel. The Reading Hedgehog started out as a project whose purpose just isn't applicable to my life anymore, and I need to think about the implications.

  3. We will miss reading your posts, but you have to do what you have to do. The most important thing is that you approach reading the way you want to, because the fact that you love to read is most important. You just have to satisfy yourself. All the best these next few months! :)

    1. Ditto, Josh. I don't ever want reading to become a chore; I love it too much. And I don't want blogging to become that, either. I'll be working on a solution during my break.

  4. It definitely sounds like the right time to take a break. :) You might find you want to continue book blogging, but with fewer reviews or fewer posts in general? You might find you're ready to try something totally different. However it turns out, I hope you enjoy it and keep it touch. And I'll still be seeing you at BookCon in May. :)

    1. After some thinking, I'm leaning towards retiring this blog, Kel, and creating a book corner on Curves In The Road called "The Reading Hedgehog." Since that blog is about everything in life, it should include one of my greatest passions. Totally see you in May at BookCon!


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