Sunday, April 29, 2012

Review: Wonderstruck - Brian Selznick

by Brian Selznick
Middle Grade
Read From: Apr. 9, 2012 - Apr. 9, 2012

I'll admit, I didn't like Wonderstruck as much as The Invention of Hugo Cabret, and here's why: half of it takes place in the modern world, it didn't focus on clocks and awesome automatons, and it just lacked some of the magic that Hugo Cabret had. I still liked Wonderstruck - don't get me wrong. Just not as much as Brian Selznick's first book. The storyline was a bit more inspirational and not quite as mysterious (though I was extremely curious to see how he was going to connect two stories together that were fifty years apart). The story being told half in pictures and half in words still has the same silent-movie-on-pages feeling, and it's a method that works for this story just as well as it did The Invention of Hugo Cabret. No other Author could pull it off like Selznick. And the characters, Ben and Rose, are both likable. But because half of it was told in the 21st century, Wonderstruck lacked the same amount of charm.

Nevertheless, people who liked The Invention of Hugo Cabret will enjoy this new volume, and it is every bit as quick as read as Selznick's other book. If you're looking for a fast, quiet read, Wonderstruck is ideal.

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